As Lieutenant Governor, I will advocate for reduced taxes on California’s working families and small businesses. A strong middle class makes a strong state.
As Lieutenant Governor I will always put public safety first. This means being tough on criminals who break the law, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and investing in wildfire defense. My first priority in office will be making California a safe place again.
We must pass reforms to truly solve homelessness. Providing help to those in need is necessary; however, if individuals are unwilling to take the help offered, we cannot let them ruin parks, sensitive ecological areas, and public areas like streets.
California has a broken water system. Failing infrastructure, expensive cost-of-service, and poor policies have led to a situation where California is facing unprecedented cost increases and limited availability of water for our residents.
We must reform the EDD, safeguard our unemployment dollars and get help to those who deserve it.
Our housing is too expensive for middle-class Californians. We must take action to make the rules clear, fair, and equitable for those residents and communities who wish to increase the availability of middle-class housing in California.
You deserve a government that actually does its job. California’s state and local governments should be efficient, transparent, and work to serve all residents.
Every child deserves a quality education. We must support parents, teachers, and the children of the Golden State.
Contact the Campaign
ph: (661) 365-0407